Forestry Land Transaction Panui
Please click below to see the latest panui from the Ngāti Koata Trust Board regarding the Forestry Land Transaction.

The Ruia Fund is now open!!
Applications for RUIA are open!
Do you have an idea for a kaupapa that supports the growth and development of our rangatahi Māori in Te Waipounamu, Rakiura or Rēkohu/Wharekauri?
RUIA has been supporting rangatahi initiatives since 2019 and we are excited to let you know that the 2023 funding round is now open!
The Ruia Fund is open now!!
Find out more about this fund on the website, get your ideas down and apply today! Applications close at noon on Friday, June 16, 2023.
This fund is brought to you by @Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu @RātāFoundation